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Andrés Kalawski– Artistic Creation Award 2018

For the first time, a faculty member from the School of Theater at UC has been recognized with this award. Andrés Kalawski is a playwright, screenwriter, and author of children’s and young adult literature, an artist and creator who knows no bounds.

Professor Kalawski received his degree in acting from our university in 2001. He holds a Masters degree in Literature from the University of Chile and a Ph.D. in History from UC. He is currently an associate professor at the School of Theater and a lecturer in the Masters and Ph.D. programs in Arts at the Faculty of Arts. Additionally, he serves as the artistic director of the Teatro UC (UC Theater).

Andrés Kalawski has a vast career as a playwright. He has authored more than 20 theatrical works, including “O’Higgins, un hombre en pedazos” in collaboration with the late filmmaker Ricardo Larraín, “Un poco invisible,” “Pana,” and “Enormes detalles.” He has also worked as a screenwriter for television series, most notably in the series “Héroes,” where he contributed as a screenwriter for the episode “O’Higgins, vivir para merecer su nombre.” In the same field, he served as a research consultant for the screenplay of the film “Jackie,” directed by Pablo Larraín.

His work as a playwright has received recognition from the former National Council for Culture and the Arts, which named him the winner of the XVIII National Playwriting Exhibition in the category of Established Authors for his work “Incentivos perversos,” which received support from our Creation and Artistic Culture competition in 2014. His work as a screenwriter has earned him two nominations for the Altazor Award.

Andrés Kalawski’s career is not limited to the performing arts; he has also ventured into children’s and young adult literature. He received the Marta Brunet Award for Best Children’s Literary Work in 2012 for his book “Niño Terremoto.” In the latest edition of the Santiago International Book Fair, he was honored with the Colibrí Medal for the book “Un espacio vacío,” on which he collaborated with illustrator Catalina Bu.

Finally, it is worth noting that Professor Kalawski is a regular panelist on the program “La historia es nuestra” on Radio Cooperativa, where he discusses the most prominent historical events of the week.

On this occasion, the jury for the UC Prize for Artistic Creation was chaired by the Prorector, Guillermo Marshall, and composed of the artist and National Prize for Visual Arts, Gonzalo Díaz; actor, director, and National Arts Award for Performing Arts, Fernando González; Vice President for Research, Pedro Bouchon, and the Director of Arts and Culture, Miryam Singer.

You are invited to learn more in the following video:

Realización audiovisual: Malu Furche R.


More information about applying for this award can be found here.