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Teodoro Fernández – Artistic Creation Award 2017

For the first time, the jury decided to award the Prize for Artistic Creation to a faculty member from our School of Architecture: Mr. Teodoro Fernández Larrañaga.

Professor Fernández received his degree in Architecture from UC in 1972. Since then, he has built a widely recognized and diverse national and international career. He has received numerous awards, including the International Queen Sofia Prize for Cultural Heritage in 2008 and the National Prize for Architecture, awarded by the Chilean College of Architects in 2014. He was also recently named an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects (2016).

One of his most significant works to date is the restoration of Parque Quinta Normal (2011). Other notable projects include the Polideportivo (1988), the renovation of the Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho (1994), Parque Inés de Suárez (1994), Parque Bicentenario (2007), and the Edificio Moneda Bicentenario (2014).

In addition, he has designed various buildings for the UC campuses, such as the renovation of the courtyard of the Centro de Extensión at Casa Central (1990), the Templo de San Joaquín (1997), the Faculty of Communications (2000), the Hall Universitario (2003), the Law Library (2003), the Engineering Student Center (2005), the Lo Contador Campus Library (2006), the Faculty of Theology (2008), and the San Joaquín pergola-casino (2012).

In this sixth edition of the Prize for Artistic Creation at UC, the decision was made by a jury composed of the renowned poet Raúl Zurita, art critic Waldemar Sommer, theater critic Agustín Letelier, UDD design dean Alejandra Amenábar, and the distinguished architect Enrique Browne, along with Prorector Guillermo Marhall, Vice president for Research Pedro Bouchon, and the Director of Arts and Culture at the University Miryam Singer.

You are invited to learn more in the following video:

Realización audiovisual: María Luisa Furche R.


More information about applying for this award can be found here.